Diabetes Site Safety
700 people are diagnosed with diabetes a day in the UK, there are 190 amputations a week and it’s the leading cause of blindness in the working population. With a further 13.9 million people with pre diabetes this year’s Stop. Make a Change campaign aims to raise awareness and slow down these numbers. Having just one less of something could be the difference between pre diabetes and healthy, see the One Less posters below. To learn more and support colleagues and sites across the UK, please read on and share.
Recognising the significant impact that type 2 diabetes is having on our industry, CECA is committed to raising awareness and helping to implement preventive measures. Diabetes can affect concentration and reaction times, posing serious risks on construction sites where precision and alertness are crucial. Apart from the potentially catastrophic affect this disease can have on individuals, the financial consequences to individuals and industry as a whole can be huge. It is estimated that the current loss of productivity across industry could be as high as £4 - £5bn.
By promoting awareness on diabetes safety, healthy lifestyle choices, regular health screenings, and providing education on managing diabetes, we aim to mitigate incidents and accidents. Together, we can ensure a safer working environment and protect our team members from potential harm or worse outcomes.
Recognising the significant impact that type 2 diabetes is having on our industry, CECA is committed to raising awareness and helping to implement preventive measures. Diabetes can affect concentration and reaction times, posing serious risks on construction sites where precision and alertness are crucial. Apart from the potentially catastrophic affect this disease can have on individuals, the financial consequences to individuals and industry as a whole can be huge. It is estimated that the current loss of productivity across industry could be as high as £4 - £5bn.
By promoting awareness on diabetes safety, healthy lifestyle choices, regular health screenings, and providing education on managing diabetes, we aim to mitigate incidents and accidents. Together, we can ensure a safer working environment and protect our team members from potential harm or worse outcomes.
Pre-diabetes: Gary's Story
'One Less' Campaign
Take the 'One Less' Challenge' - just small but sustainable changes can make a massive difference to your health, and the health of your co-workers. Lead by example! You can download the 'One Less' campaign posters here: one_less_campaign_–_ceca-smac.pdf
Above: A Diabetes Safety on Site video produced by members of NextGen CECA Southern Foundations Group - free to download.
About The Diabetes Safety Organisation
As diabetes continues to rise in the population, the risk to an individual's health, workplace fatalities and criminal liability rises proportionately. DSO are leading the way by providing a cost-effective solution to give your company the knowledge and understanding to manage the huge risk that diabetes poses on the workplace, reducing absenteeism, protecting your workforce from injury, and your management from criminal liability. DSO work with International law firm Gowling WLG, who provide legal expertise, and all medical aspects are reviewed by the medical board. Visit the DSO website to fine out more: https://diabetessafety.org/
As diabetes continues to rise in the population, the risk to an individual's health, workplace fatalities and criminal liability rises proportionately. DSO are leading the way by providing a cost-effective solution to give your company the knowledge and understanding to manage the huge risk that diabetes poses on the workplace, reducing absenteeism, protecting your workforce from injury, and your management from criminal liability. DSO work with International law firm Gowling WLG, who provide legal expertise, and all medical aspects are reviewed by the medical board. Visit the DSO website to fine out more: https://diabetessafety.org/